Internal Reports
- Halperin, Adam H., “Thermal Drilling and Anchoring on Icy Planetary Bodies“, UMD Dissertation, 2020
- Vitucci, John J., “Development and Test of a Superconducting Helicon Plasma Thruster“, UMD Dissertation, 2019
- Smith, Eric S., “Propulsion Performance of Repeated, Highly-Focused Laser Ablation“, UMD Dissertation, 2019
- Sloane, Joshua, “Laser Ablation Propulsion of Asteroids with a Sub-nanosecond Pulsed Laser“, UMD Dissertation, 2019
- Saripalli, Pratik, S., “Advancing Nitrous Oxide as a Monopropellant Using Inductively Heated Heat-exchangers: Theory and Experiment“, UMD Dissertation, 2019
- Petro, Elaine, “Effects of Water Plasma Chemistry on Helicon Thruster Performance“, UMD Dissertation, 2019
- Marcus, Matthew L., “Evolutionary Spacecraft Design Using a Generalized Component Resource Model“, UMD Dissertation, 2019
- Faust, Adriane J., “Analysis of a Water Vapor Helicon Thruster using Emission Spectroscopy“, UMD Dissertation, 2018
- Young, Jarred A., “Ion Plume Damage in Formation Flight Regimes“, UMD Dissertation, 2017
- Masati, Arber, “Particle Charging Effects on PIV Measurement of Plasma Actuators“, UMD Dissertation, 2017
- Chap, Andrew M., “Simulation and Optimization of the Continuous Electrode Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusor“, UMD Dissertation, 2017UMD Dissertation, 2017
- Porter, Allison K., “Space-Deployed, Thin-Walled Enclosure for a Cryogenically-Cooled High Temperature Superconducting Coil“, UMD Dissertation, 2015
- Sanders, Michael H., “Characterization of Luminescent Materials for Application in the Space Environment“, UMD Dissertation, 2014
Book Chapters
- Saenz-Otero, A., S. Nolet, R. Sedwick and D. Miller, “Developing and Maturing Micro-Satellite Formation Flight Technology,” Small Satellites: Past, Present and Future, Chapter 17, pp. 525-577, AIAA/Aerospace Press.
- Sedwick, R.J., “A fully Analytic Treatment of Resonant Inductive Coupling in the Far Field”, Wireless Energy Transfer Based on Electromagnetic Resonance – Principles and Engineering Explorations, Chapter 11, ISBN 979-953-307-152-6
Journal Publications
- Sanders, M.H. and R.J. Sedwick (2019). Thermal Design and Performance of a Luminescent Solar Concentrator for Space Power Generation. AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets. Accepted for Publication.
- Faust, A.J. and R.J. Sedwick (2019). Development of a helium collisional radiative model for a helicon thruster. Plasma Research Express, 1 025001. doi: 10.1088/2516-1067/ab120e
- Sloane, J.B., E.S. Smith and R.J. Sedwick (2018). Calibration of a mass spectrometer with an ionic liquid particle source”, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 432, pp. 36-43. doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2018.07.001
- Sedwick, R.J. and H. White (2018). Spacedrives and Conservation Laws. AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, 55(4), pp. 1034-1039. doi: 10.2514/1.A34116
- Masati, A. and R.J. Sedwick (2018). Electrostatic forces acting on particle image velocimetry tracer particles in a plasma actuator flow”, J. of Applied Physics, 123(1), pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1063/1.4998407
- Masati, A. and R.J. Sedwick (2018). Correcting for particle size effects on plasma actuator particle image velocimetry measurements. J. of Applied Physics, 123(1), pp. 1-10. doi: 10.1063/1.5018182
- Marcus, M.L. and R.J. Sedwick (2017). Low Earth Orbit Debris Removal Technology Assessment Using Genetic Algorithms. AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, 54(5), pp. 1110-1126. doi: 10.2514/1.A33671
- Petro, E. and R.J Sedwick, “Effects of Water-Vapor Propellant on Electrodeless Thruster Performance”, AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power,
- Petro, E. and R.J Sedwick, “Survey of Moderate Power Electric Propulsion Systems”, AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets,
- Chap, A.M., and R.J. Sedwick (2017). Coulomb Collision Model for Use in Non-thermal Plasma Simulation. APS Physical Review E, 95(6). pp. 1-12. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.95.063209
- Bou-Balust, E., R.J. Sedwick, P. Fisher and E. Alarcon (2016). Multipath Relaying Effects in Multiple-Node Resonant Inductive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer. Wireless Power Transfer, 3(2), pp. 83-92. doi: 10.1017/wpt.2016.5
- Kumar, R. and R.J. Sedwick. “Despinning Orbital Debris Before Docking Using Laser Ablation”, AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 52, No. 4 (2015), pp. 1129-1134. doi: 10.2514/1.A33183.
- Alinger, D.J., A.K. Porter, and R.J. Sedwick. “Optimization of Resonant Inductive Wireless Power Transfer Using Multilayer Flat Spiral Coils”, AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 52, No. 2 (2015), pp. 560-568. doi: 10.2514/1.A32901.
- Chap, A.M. and R.J. Sedwick. “One-Dimensional Semianalytical Model for Optimizing the Standing-Wave Direct Energy Converter”, AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 31, No. 5 (2015), pp. 1350-1361. doi: 10.2514/1.B35439.
- Porter, A.K., D.J. Alinger, R.J. Sedwick, J. Merk, R.A. Opperman, A. Buck, G. Eslinger, P. Fisher, D.W. Miller, and E. Bou. “Demonstration of Electromagnetic Formation Flight and Wireless Power Transfer”, AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 51, No. 6 (2014), pp. 1914-1923. doi: 10.2514/1.A32940.
- Smith, E.S., R.J. Sedwick, J.F. Merk and J. McClellan, “Assessing the Potential of a Laser Ablation Propelled Tug to Remove Large Space Debris”, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, January, 2013.
- Wilson, A.H.; Vitucci, J.J.; Sedwick, R.J.; , “Flux Tailoring of a Permanent-Magnet Field With a High-Temperature Superconducting Tube for a Helicon Plasma Source,” Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on, 22, 5, pp. 3900705, Oct. 2012, doi: 10.1109/TASC.2012.2203129
- Kwon, D.W., R.J. Sedwick, S. Lee, J.L. Ramirez-Riberos, “Electromagnetic Formation Flight Testbed Using Superconducting Coils”, AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, 48, 1, pp. 124-134, 2011.
- Sedwick, R.J., “A fully Analytic Treatment of Resonant Inductive Coupling in the Far Field”, Annals of Physics (2011), doi:10.1016/j.aop.2011.11.018
- Schweighart, S.A. and R.J. Sedwick, “Explicit Dipole Trajectory Solution for Electromagnetically Controlled Spacecraft Clusters”, AIAA J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 33, 4, pp. 1225-1235, 2010.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Long Range Inductive Power Transfer with Superconducting Oscillators”, Annals of Physics(2009), doi:10.1016/j.aop.2009.08.011
- Kwon, D.W. and R.J. Sedwick, “Cryogenic Heat Pipe for Cooling High Temperature Superconducting Coils”,AIAA J. of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 23, 4, pp. 732-739, 2009.
- Kwon, D.W. and R.J. Sedwick, “Cryogenic Heat Pipe for Cooling High Temperature Superconductors”, Accepted, Cryogenics, 49, 9, pp. 514-523, 2009.
- Elias, L.M., D.W. Kwon, R.J. Sedwick and D.W. Miller, “Electromagnetic Formation Flight Dynamics including Reaction Wheel Gyroscopic Stiffening Effects” AIAA J. of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 30, 2, pp. 499-511, 2007.
- Sedwick, R.J. and D.A. Zayas, “Magnetohydrodynamic Vortex Containment, Part IV: System Performance Assessment”, AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power, 23, 2, pp. 414-420, 2007.
- Sedwick, R.J. and D.A. Zayas, “Magnetohydrodynamic Vortex Containment, Part III: 1-D Axisymmetric Flow Model”, AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power, 23, 2, pp. 404-413, 2007.
- Sedwick, R.J. and D.A. Zayas, “Magnetohydrodynamic Vortex Containment, Part II: Equilibrium of Uranium Fluoride Fuel in Hydrogen Propellant”, AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power, 23, 1, pp. 90-98, 2007.
- Sedwick, R.J., Kerrebrock, J.L. and D.A. Zayas, “Magnetohydrodynamic Vortex Containment for Gas Core Nuclear Propulsion, Part I: Concept Overview”, AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power, 23, 1, pp. 81-89, 2007.
- Schweighart, S.A. and R.J. Sedwick, “Cross-Track Motion of Satellite Formations in the Presence of J2 Disturbances”, AIAA J. of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 28, 4, pp. 824-826, 2005.
- McGuire, T.J. and R. J. Sedwick, “Improved Confinement in Inertial Electrostatic Confinement for Fusion Space Power Reactors”, AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power, 21, 4, pp. 697-706, 2005.
- Kong, E.M.C, D.W. Kwon, S.A. Schweighart, L.M. Elias, R.J. Sedwick and D.W. Miller, “Electromagnetic Formation Flight for Multi-Satellite Arrays”, AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, 41, 4, pp. 659-666, 2004.
- Enright, J.P., R.J. Sedwick and D.W. Miller, “High-Fidelity Simulation for Spacecraft Autonomy Development”, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, 48, 1, pp. 51-59, 2002.
- Schweighart, S.A. and R.J. Sedwick, “High-Fidelity Linearized J2 Model for Satellite Formation Flying”, AIAA J. Guidance Control and Dynamics, 25, 6, pp. 1073-1080, 2002.
- Jilla C.D., D.W. Miller and R.J. Sedwick, “Application of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Techniques to Distributed Satellite Systems”, AIAA J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, 37, 4, pp. 481-490, 2000.
- Sedwick, R.J., D.W. Miller and E.M.C. Kong, “Mitigation of Differential Perturbations in Clusters of Formation Flying Satellites”, J. of Astronautical Sciences, 47, 3-4, pp. 309-331, 1999.
- Kong, E.M.C., D.W. Miller, and R.J. Sedwick, “Exploiting Orbital Dynamics for Aperture Synthesis Using Distributed Satellite Systems: Applications to a Visible Earth Imager System”, J. of Astronautical Sciences, 47, 1-2, pp. 53-75, 1999.
Invited Talks
- Sedwick, R.J., A.M. Chap and N.M Schilling (2017, June). Continuous Grid Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion. Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, City Tech, CUNY, New York.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Space… Sure it’s Big, but Maybe Not Big Enough.”, Pennsylvania State University, March, 2015
- Sedwick, R.J., “Recent and Upcoming IEC Research at the University of Maryland”, 15th US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion, Kyoto, Japan, 2013.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Overview of IEC Research at the University of Maryland”, 14th US-Japan Workshop on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion, College Park, MD, 2012.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Magnetic Core Multi-Grid IEC Concept Using p-11B”, Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space, March 21-23, The Woodlands, TX, 2012.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Magnetic Core Multi-Grid Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion”, 3rd International Conference on Future Energy (COFE), October 2009.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Space Power and Propulsion for the 21st Century”, University of Southern California, April 2007.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Space Power and Propulsion for the 21st Century”, University of California, Irvine, April 2007.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Space Power and Propulsion for the 21st Century”, University of Colorado, March 2007.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Nuclear Propulsion on the Road to Space”, Guest Speaker, Aviation and the Environment Conference, New England Air Museum, March 21-24, 2006.
- Sedwick, R.J., “Architecting Sparse Aperture, Space-Based Radar,”, Air Force Senior Independent Review Team, Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM, Feb. 1999.